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Icon exists to grow the kingdom of God by making disciples of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus. Our focus is on making disciples through love, friendship and hospitality and so that’s much of what we talk about here.

On the podcast, we discuss theology + practice, offer tools and resources, and empower normal people to make disciples in their corner of the world. If you haven't yet, we hope you'll join the audio party and take a listen!

If you enjoy our podcast, we'd be so grateful if you'd take a moment to subscribe, rate and review the podcast, and share it with a friend.

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  • "The Imitating Jesus podcast has been extremely helpful to me. The hosts have given me many practical insights to live by. Two that have stuck with me: live my life with margin and don't live a curated, filtered version of my life but be real with people."

  • "This podcast reminds me no matter where I'm at in my walk with Jesus or what season of life I'm in that I can be a disciple-maker."

  • "This podcast is inspiring. It builds my faith and puts courage in me. It helps me realize more and more that I belong at the table with Jesus because he invited me in, and he does that with everyone around me. I'm challenged to invite more people to the table."

If you prefer reading to listening, Imitating Jesus is also a book!

  • cultivate a disciple-making lifestyle

  • quiet the fears of not being enough or knowing enough

  • find the courage to lead in love and friendship

  • learn the art of listening and the skill of asking questions

  • use your home and dining table to make disciples

This is a great book to read with a friend or small group. A discussion guide is available upon request at info@iconministries.org.